
A lonely reporter, sent out west to cover the goldrush, walked into a small town bar. He asked one of the local prospectors seated at the bar what they did for female companionship. "F*ck sheep," the fellow replied. After verifying that the few local saloon girls were indeed so ugly that sheep looked good, he resolved to remain celibate. But after several months he broke down and went out and cornered a nice sheep and took it to his hotel room to wine and bed it. The next day when he took his 4-legged concubine to the bar for a drink, everybody stared at him like he was crazy. "You goddamn bunch of hypocrites!" he shouted, "You've been f*cking sheep for years, and now that I have gone as low as you, you all stare at me like I'm a crazy pervert!" A cowboy in the back of the room then spoke up, "But tenderfoot, that's the sheriff's gal!"